CFS 2021 Private Sector Engagement
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 did not see an official CFS session. Instead, 2021 saw an extraordinary year for CFS with three official sessions occurring in February, June, and October. The Private Sector Mechanism was able to virtually take part in all three sessions through interventions and side events.
8 – 11 February 2021
A delegation of 60 business leaders and participants registered from 29 countries.
Endorsement of the Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition happened at CFS47. The final guidelines are The content of the guidelines reflects a more balanced output, recognizing a scientific and evidence-based, a stronger policy coherence, and a clear acknowledgment that all sectors and actors have an important role to play, including the Private Sector.
In the eight Plenary sessions, PSM was able to make interventions. In addition, PSM members posted comments and links/references to PSM position papers and posed questions to panelists.
PSM members, led by Solutions from the Land, Global Dairy Platform, and Global Farmer Network organized a Side Event with the participation of 131 people Agricultural Solutions: Forging Consensus Linked Food Security, Nutrition, Health, and Climate Challenges’, in partnership with Argentina, Australia, Netherlands, and USA. Lessons from the farm level were shared by farmers from Zimbabwe, Argentina, Ireland, and the US that exemplified a range of practical and innovative approaches for sustainable farming practices and how farmers were constantly seeking improvements to improve levels of sustainable production and family farm livelihoods. An online poll sought participants’ reactions that complimented the Q&A session that itself explored other approaches.
PSM was also able to put forward speakers in two additional side events. Mr. Hem Mulders of Rabobank and Mr. Andrew Rzepa of GALLUP ably represented the private sector at the events on Ensuring the human right to adequate food for sustainable food systems and Data for Food Security, respectively.
PSM – Intervention: Food Security and Nutrition: Building a Global Narrative Towards 2030 – 2021
As PSM, we note we submitted many vital references of work from FAO, IFAD, OECD, IFPRI and others as citations to build a stronger narrative and have done so on the youth paper as well. We were, candidly disappointed not to see any of these pieces of research taken up in the final narrative.
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PSM Intervention – Food Security and Nutrition: Building a Global Narrative Towards 2030 – 8 February
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PSM – Intervention: MYPoW 2020 – 2023 – 2021
The on-going work programme is part of the new 4-year MYPoW that was agreed by the Plenary, following the recommendations of the CFS evaluation. The decision to have 4-year programme has allowed us all to focus on both the agreed workstreams without having to reconvene to develop a new MYPoW. It has also allowed us to adapt that programme to allow for the extensive work done on the Covid pandemic, and our appreciation to the HLPE for leading that piece of work.
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PSM – Intervention: Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment – 2021
Today we highlight the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and unalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.”
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PSM – Intervention: CFS Voluntary Guideline Endorsement – 2021
It is now our job to turn to the uptake and implementation of these Voluntary Guidelines. Our PSM members have pledged to a wide range of actions towards improved nutrition and food systems. These actions span from commitments on marketing, product formulation and innovation, reducing Food Loss and Waste, GHG emissions, and promoting sustainable packaging, supply chains and farmer livelihoods.
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PSM – Intervention: CFS Voluntary Guidelines Endorsement – 2021
The PSM looks to build on the lessons learned during this process and its past experience with the endorsement of the CFS Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (RAI). As we did post-endorsement with RAI, PSM would like to support the Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition now. The PSM aims to focus on an information and training campaign and hopes to count on the support of the CFS Chair and the Nutrition workstream Chair, Ambassador Hoogeveen, its secretariat, as well as its wide membership
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PSM – Intervention: CFS Product Uptake – 2021
The Mechanism is very committed to helping encourage the uptake of the guidelines CFS produces. We conduct training seminars, information campaigns, and follow up sessions. At the last in-person CFS in 2019 we held a seminar with UK DFID on the Voluntary Guidelines on Land Tenure.
4 June 2021
A delegation of 39 business leaders and participants registered from 17 countries.
Endorsement of the Policy Recommendations on Agroecological and other Innovative Approaches for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems that enhance Food Security and Nutrition was given by CFS members at CFS 48 on 4 June in the morning session. In their statements, PSM representatives noted that the private sector is already implementing many of the various approaches, including agroecology, throughout the entire agri-food chain and highlighted the many supportive approaches, techniques, and strategies available to improve production, enhance resilience and reduce/sequester GHGs.
In the Plenary session, PSM was able to make an intervention by IAFN/PSM Chair Mr. Rick White. In addition, PSM members posted comments and links/references to PSM position papers and posed questions to Panellists during side events.
PSM co-sponsored a side event entitled “By the Numbers – Capturing the Private Sector Contribution to the SDGs.” The event had over 200 participants. There was a rich discussion from the panel of speakers that identified the current challenges posed and potential channels for future collaboration. Participants shared ideas on how to incentivize greater private sector participation and current benchmarking activities.
PSM – PSM Intervention: CFS Agroecological and Other Innovative Approaches Endorsement – 2022
Following the endorsement of the Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition in February, the adoption of the Policy Recommendations on Agroecological and Other Innovative Approaches represents a further important contribution to improving the sustainability of agriculture and food systems and attaining the SDGs.
11 – 14 October 2021
A delegation of 70 business leaders and participants registered from 24 countries.
Language on farmers, fishers, and entrepreneurship was included in the youth discussion to enlarge the discussion from waged-employment alone.
In the 8 Plenary sessions, PSM was able to make interventions and pose questions to Panellists. In addition, PSM members posted comments and links or references to PSM position papers and relevant activities.
PSM – Intervention: State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2021, its Policy Implications and the Role of CFS in the Context of COVID-19 – 2021
COVID-19 continues to deepen the inequalities in our food systems with women being disproportionately affected. The practical and game-changing solutions coming out of various policy processes including the Food Systems Summit and the ongoing development of the voluntary guidelines on women’s empowerment need to be implemented. Conviction and urgency are critical to removing the underlying systemic, cultural norms and barriers to gender equality.
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PSM – Intervention: Forum on Uptake of the CFS Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition – 2021
The need to work towards the improvement of the Food Systems and Nutrition has been made clear by the policy process leading to the guidelines, the Food Systems Summit, and we are pleased to see there is an important role for the CFS
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PSM: Intervention: CFS MYPoW 2020 – 2030 – 2021
As we move into the final two years of the agreed MYPoW, PSM believes that the agreed workstreams remain key aspects of food security and nutrition but also well represent key perspectives of food systems transformation. We therefore suggest that the agreed workstreams provide an already established basis for the next steps of the implementation of the Summit and, in fact, represent areas that need more attention.
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PSM – Intervention: UN Food Systems Summit and its Implications for CFS – 2021
The multi-stakeholder approach represents a core value of CFS that we hope will be embedded in the food system globally going forward. Working jointly is essential to the efforts on School Meals; the Zero Hunger Pledge (over 40 companies have already committed); as well as work on improving soil health.
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PSM – Intervention: Monitoring Event on CFS Policy on Climate and Water – 2021
In response to the CFS Secretariat request for lead in questions we would suggest: 1) What do you think needs to come out of COP 26? 2) How should the climate discussion include food systems and how should farmers and the private sector scale up CSA systems and practices especially around water management? 3) How can governments and other key partners work more closely with private sector in CSA?
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PSM – Intervention: Promoting Youth Engagement and Employment in Agriculture and Food Systems – 2021
Collectively, we need to reframe agriculture as a business choice that is intellectually, socially, and financially rewarding, as well as one in which young people can have an incredible impact on issues such as climate change, hunger, displacement, poverty, and more
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PSM – Intervention: The Synergies between 3Rio Conventions and CFS – 2021
Climate – Initiatives on carbon sequestration, new dairy net zero pathways, and carbon farming (include European Carbon Farmers work) Biodiversity – new business coalition on OP2B on nature positive solutions, investments in agroforestry and riparian zones Soils – including the new Soils Hub announced at the Food Systems Summit Water – Water use efficiency technologies, improved oceans management Food Loss and Waste initiatives – including storage, recycling, and reduced packaging initiatives
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PSM – Intervention: Closing Session – 2021
The multistakeholder approach is an asset and is being emulated. It is clear CFS will need to play a special role to scale up its efforts on hunger, malnutrition, and inclusion on multiple fronts. Looking to the future. We thank both candidate Mongui and welcome the election of the incoming Chair Ferrero. Dating back to the High Level on Task Force on Food Security, your skills and experience will be invaluable at this time.