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Food Systems Summit


The United Nations Food Systems Summit was held on 23 – 24 September 2021 during the United Nations General Assembly High Level Week. The Summit heard from over 150 Member States, including many Heads of State and Government and numerous representatives from Civil Society, Private Sector, Youth, Indigenous Peoples and others. In his Statement to the Summit, the Secretary General noted that “food is life” and urged governments and businesses to work together to increase access to healthy diets including by incentivizing new behaviours. 

Following this first ever Food Systems Summit, a global stocktaking meeting is held every two years and the Rome Based Agencies lead a coordination hub.

The FSS+2 Stocktaking Moment was convened from July 24-26 2023, at the FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy. Throughout the three days of discussions, a number of Speakers noted the contributions of the Private Sector in food systems transformation as well as the need for inclusive approaches and partnerships towards food system transformation and in this regard the important role of the Private Sector.

PSM was represented by a 30+ member delegation who participated in all sessions, additionally, PSM members were invited to speak at a number of sessions including the following:

·       July 24 – Special Event” Fertilizers, Meeting Short-term Needs While Working Towards Sustainable Solutions” – Alzbeta Klein, Director General, IFA

·       July 24 Leadership Dialogue – “Stakeholder Roundtable – Rocco Renaldi, Secretary General, IFBA

·       July 25 – Leadership Dialogue “Food Systems for the Planet” – Eija Hietavuo, Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Tetra Pak

·       July 26 – Special Event “Presenting the Food Systems Window of the Joint SDG Fund” – Michael Keller, Secretary General, International Seed Federation

·       July 26 – Closing Plenary, Michael Keller.

All sessions can be viewed on the individual session pages which can be found here.

PSM, in collaboration with WBCSD, AGRA and the Zero Hunger Pledge convened a Side Event on July 26 entitled “Private Sector Ambition, Action and Accountability towards Food Systems Transformation: Where are we now and where do we need to go next”, where speakers reviewed progress on the implementation of Private Sector commitments and discussed additional options for effectively mobilising the Private Sector towards impactful action for a regenerative and equitable food system that provides healthy, safe and nutritious food for all. The Side Event can be viewed here.

UNFSS+2 Side Event: Private sector ambition action accountability towards foodsystems transformation

Following the STM, the UN Secretary General has issued a Call to Action for accelerated Food Systems Transformation  through which he calls on all Stakeholders to prioritize implementation of future food systems around six areas including “Promoting increased engagement of businesses, including through public private partnerships, to shape the sustainability of food systems and establish and strengthen accountability mechanisms, recognizing their centrality for food systems”.

Additional outcomes from the STM include the Secretary General’s “Report Making food systems work for people and planet” and the Stakeholders Contribution Document.