CFS 2017 Private Sector Engagement
In October 2017, the Private Sector Mechanism (PSM) hosted a diverse delegation of 134 representatives at the 44th Session of the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS). The meetings took place from 9 – 13 October at the FAO in Rome, Italy, to discuss issues and solutions related to global food security and nutrition.
CFS 44 by the numbers:
- 134 private sector delegates from 37 countries registered for, and approximately 110 delegates attended, CFS 44 in Rome.
- A successful meeting was held with FAO Director General, Dr Jose Graziano da Silva, attended by eight selected PSM members and the Chair, representing the agri-food value chain. They discussed sustainable food production, nutrition, food waste, land tenure, and responsible agricultural investment (RAI).
- 11 bilateral meetings were held with representatives from more than 30 member states. The week included meetings with every regional group of member states.
- 24 plenary interventions were made by a full range of delegation members on a broad selection of topics in the CFS agenda, as well as several plenary panel slots for PSM members.
- The PSM organized 4 side events this year, reaching over 185 attendees.
- The High Level Dinner brought together 190 ambassadors, representatives of CFS member states, UN agencies, NGOs, and companies, as well as the chair of the CFS, Her Excellency Ambassador Amira Gornass, to discuss the challenges of food loss and waste.
- In negotiations the week before CFS, the PSM endorsed a set of policy recommendations on Sustainable Forestry for Food Security and Nutrition.
- PSM delegates met with the newly-elected chair of CFS, H.E Mario Arvelo, Ambassador of the Dominican Republic to the UN Rome-Based Agencies, who stressed commitment to the role of young agricultural leaders.
The Plenary Program included:
- Finalization of the Plan of Action and implementation of the responses to the CFS evaluation
- CFS engagement in advancing nutrition
- Urbanization, rural transformation, and implications for food security and nutrition
- The impacts of trade on nutrition and food security
- New techniques and technological innovations in the food system
- CFS engagement in advancing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- Monitoring use and application of CFS policy recommendations
- Multi-stakeholder partnerships to finance and improve food security and nutrition in the framework of the 2030 Agenda (upcoming HLPE report)
- Agroecological approaches and other innovations for sustainable agriculture and food systems that enhance food security and nutrition (upcoming HLPE report)
The PSM Delegation benefited from:
- Bilaterals with member states of FAO regional groups
- Meetings with UN agencies based in Rome: Scaling Up Nutrition, UN Standing Committee on Nutrition, Global Forum on Agriculture, Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services
- 60+ Side events
Side Events
Side events were held throughout the week. Please check the Side Events Calendar and Brochure on the CFS 44 web page for more details.
Information Marketplace
CFS stakeholders were given the opportunity to display material related to food security and nutrition and the mandate of CFS and to interact with CFS delegates.
CFS Side Event Guidelines to PSM Organizers
PSM – HLPE Report on Forestry for Food Security and Nutrition – 2017
The High Level Panel of Experts for Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) is the science-policy interface of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), which is, at the global level, the foremost inclusive and evidence-based international and intergovernmental platform for food security and nutrition (FSN).
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Women’s Empowerment – CFS Forum Summary and Outcomes
PSM comments on outcomes of CFS Forum on Women’s Empowermentin the Context of Food Security and Nutrition
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CFS44 – High Level Dinner – Report
During the evening, 190 Ambassadors, country representatives, NGO representatives, UN agency employees, and private sector delegation members discussed means to reduce food losses and waste in both developed and developing countries to achieve SDG 12.3.