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Reducing Inequalities for Food Security and Nutrition


The process to develop Policy Recommendations on Reducing Inequalities for Food Security and Nutrition started at CFS 51 with a presentation of the main findings of the HLPE Report on Reducing inequalities for food security and nutrition.

The subsequent Plenary discussion underlined the importance attached by CFS stakeholders to the urgent need to address inequalities, and their drivers, within food systems at all levels, to accelerate progress on achieving food security and nutrition.

CFS held its first open-ended working group meeting on 23 January 2024. The policy recommendations (see below) should be agreed by the CFS workstream and endorsed at the upcoming plenary in October 2024. Inputs submitted to CFS by members have been posted here, including PSM.  

Proposed policy recommendations by the OEWG (preliminary outline):

Following the STM, the UN Secretary General has issued a Call to Action for accelerated Food Systems Transformation  through which he calls on all Stakeholders to prioritize implementation of future food systems around six areas including “Promoting increased engagement of businesses, including through public private partnerships, to shape the sustainability of food systems and establish and strengthen accountability mechanisms, recognizing their centrality for food systems”.

Additional outcomes from the STM include the Secretary General’s “Report Making food systems work for people and planet” and the Stakeholders Contribution Document.
