CFS Workstream on Nutrition
IAFN – Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition 2 Pager Information – 2021
The Voluntary Guidelines are the only global policy instrument that have been negotiated at a multilateral level among governments and other stakeholders on the connections between food systems and nutrition.
IAFN – CFS OEWG on Nutrition 1st Statement – 2020
The need for greater policy coherence. The COVID pandemic has provided a strong reminder of this and it also holds true for the Voluntary Guidelines—whose impact could benefit immensely from greater policy coherence globally.
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IAFN – CFS OEWG on Nutrition 2nd Statement – 2020
We urge the Secretariat to respect the freedom of choice of all stakeholders part of the AGRO FOOD CHAIN to innovate and adopt technologies best suited to address their specific challenges, and therefore identify the following improvements to consider.
PSM – Submission to the WHOFAO Decade of Nutrition – 2020
The Private Sector Mechanism (PSM)i welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the biennial report on the implementation of the Nutrition Decade of the UN Secretary General to the General Assembly. The PSM is an open platform providing a permanent seat for private enterprises right across the agri-food value chain, from farmers, to input providers, to cooperatives, processors, SMEs and food companies.
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PSM – Submission to the Zero Draft of the Nutrition Guidelines – 2019
On behalf of the PSM, we would like to thank the CFS Secretariat for its open-mindedness throughout this process and submit the following feedback on the Draft Guidelines for your review, as well as the 17 Policy Recommendations by the PSM. These Policy Recommendations were compiled with the aim of ensuring the Voluntary Guidelines on Food System and Nutrition are both implementable and transformative. We look forward to contributing positively throughout the entire consultation process
The UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) selected nutrition as one of its key workstreams for 2016–2018. Nutrition will continue to play a major role in the following biennium, as CFS has committed to producing nutrition guidelines by 2020.
The PSM Nutrition / Monitoring / Right to Food Macrocommittee brings together key stakeholders from across the agri-food value chain, including farm representatives, agribusinesses, nutritionists, researchers, and more. The Macrocommittee follows the CFS workstream on nutrition closely and participates in the Open-Ended Working Groups on Nutrition.
Throughout 2018, there were meetings of the Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) on Nutrition, which is tasked with creating the Terms of Reference (ToR) that will inform the voluntary guidelines on nutrition. The PSM is actively involved in these meetings, and the Nutrition macrocommittee works to prepare statements at these meetings. The meetings of the OEWG will continue into 2019.
PSM’s statements can be found below:
PSM Statement: CFS OEWG on Nutrition, 28 March 2018
On 28 March 2018, an Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) on Nutrition meeting was held at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome, Italy. At this event, the Private Sector Mechanism delivered the following statement concerning the development of Terms of Reference (ToR) for the proposed nutrition guidelines that are to be the next major policy product of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS).
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PSM Statement: CFS OEWG on Nutrition, 30 April 2018
On 30 April, a meeting of the Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) on Nutrition was held at FAO. The PSM delivered this statement in response to the draft Terms of Reference (ToR).

PSM-Sponsored Nutrition Event: Healthy By Design Luncheon
On March 28, 2018, the PSM hosted a luncheon and tasting event on the topic of nutrient profiles, during which members of the private sector guided attendees through tastings of products formulated to comply with specific national nutrient profiles. This interactive and educational event gave participants the opportunity to experience firsthand the challenges and opportunities of adapting foods to specific regulations.
Healthy by Design – Report 2018
Following the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) on Nutrition meeting held during the morning of 28 March, the Private Sector Mechanism (PSM) hosted Healthy by Design: How Products and Guidelines Meet. This interactive, educational event consisted of a luncheon and series of tastings guided by members of the private sector. These private sector actors shared examples of the practical implications of nutrient profiles on product development and reformulation, with the goal of demonstrating to attendees the challenges and opportunities for collective action that meets public health objectives.
Investments for Healthy Food Systems – Chair’s Summary
This event was part of a series of events to “develop common understanding of issues and lay the basis for informed CFS policy convergence work” on nutrition and food systems, called for by the strategy “CFS engagement in advancing nutrition” approved by CFS 43.
Read the final report from the 2016 Partnerships Forum on Nutrition:
Nutrition – Partnerships Forum – Final Report
The Private Sector Mechanism (PSM) to the CFS and the Government of Germany decided to co-host the Partnership Forum on Nutrition in order to demonstrate that collaborations between the public and private sectors and civil society can contribute to public health, sanitary measures and above all to creating sustainable and nutrition-enhancing food systems to end hunger and all forms of malnutrition as well as supporting and promoting healthy diets.
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Nutrition – Partnerships Forum – Speaker Biographies
PSM Partnerships Forum on Nutrition Speaker Biographies
If you are interested in joining the PSM Working Group on Nutrition, please contact sid@emergingag.com.
On April 26, 2016, the PSM, together with the Government of Germany, hosted a Partnership Forum on Nutrition in order to demonstrate that collaborations between the public and private sectors and civil society can contribute to public health and sanitary measures. Above all, PSM believes that a collaborative approach will contribute to sustainable and nutrition-enhancing food systems that end hunger and all forms of malnutrition by promoting healthy, diverse diets.
PSM Addresses the Closing Session of ICN2
In 2015, the PSM helped coordinate the private sector’s input into the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2).
The private sector was pleased to have the opportunity to address the closing session of ICN2. At the first such conference in 22 years. The speakers conveyed the message that nutrition cannot wait another 22 years for new activity. Emphasizing the role of multi-stakeholder engagement in kickstarting new programs to address nutritional challenges, they spoke to the need to take specific actions to tackle challenges like food safety, nutritional education and targeted interventions to address stunting.
Speakers on behalf of the private sector:
- Marie Konate, CEO, Protein Kissée Là, Cote d’Ivoire
- David Crean, Vice President Corporate R&D, Mars, USA
- Nico van Belzen, Director General, International Dairy Federation, Belgium
More than 90 businesses and private sector organizations participated in Rome at ICN2. While the delegation represented a broad cross section of interests, it was united in the belief that nutritional interventions must be prioritised, particularly geared to addressing the needs of women, children, and the most vulnerable. This requires progressive programming – geared to challenges like stunting — and a willingness to work together. Innovation, research, education and trade are essential to improving access to quality foods. All of which is underpinned by the essential role of agriculturalists to produce the food we eat.
On behalf of the private sector mechanism, Robynne Anderson, Secretariat to the International Agri-Food Network, thanked FAO and WHO for the opportunity to have non-state actors participate, including civil society and private sector. “The Private Sector is pleased to have been part of this process, which will reinvigorate efforts to address nutrition,” noted Anderson. “Collaboration between government, the private sector and civil society is essential to affecting real and lasting change for hungry and malnourished people.”
The IAFN collaborated with the SUN Business Network and the international livestock sector for the event. A press release from the International Dairy Federation (IDF) can be read here:
Press Release: IDF and Livestock Sector Partners
IDF and Livestock Sector Partners Committed to Addressing Hunger and Malnutrition
In August 2014, a wide range of business stakeholders provided feedback on the ICN2 outcome documents. Read their contributions here.