A Sustainable & Inclusive Agriculture Transformation, Engaging the Private Sector
The event will occur on 11 November 2022 | 13:00 – 14:30.
Livestream link: https://cop27foodpavilion.cgiar.org/
IAFN – Smallholder Innovation Side Event – UNFCCC COP27 – 2022
Most smallholders struggle to increase their productivity and resilience. They lack access to output and input markets, as well as to advice and finance. Many live in parts of the world where the impacts of climate change are likely to be fiercest, yet they have the least capacity to address this. Smallholder farming in most of the developing world emits few greenhouse gases (GHG), but has a huge need to become more resilient. A more serious challenge is extensification, which is often associated with forest destruction. Both drive the need for more intensive use of existing farmland. If not, developing countries will face larger food imports, faster deforestation, and heavier migration.