IAFN – Triangular Cooperation Side Event – Summary Report – 2022
The side event on Triangular Cooperation: Innovative Climate-Smart Solutions Side was attended by 45 people. It was chaired by Mr. Zitouni Ould-Dada, FAO and featured Dr. Ahmed Nasr-Allah, Country Director, WorldFish Egypt, Mr. Jay Waldvogel, Vice-President, Dairy Farmers of America, Ms. Jihane Ajijti, Head of Stakeholder Engagement, OCP Group, Mr. Ross Hampton, CEO Australian Forest Products Association and Ms. Robynne Anderson, Director General of International Agri-Food Network speakers. The event featured presentations and discussions of climate actions and sustainable initiatives that key partners are leading with a strong component of south- south cooperation and triangular cooperation.
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IAFN – Triangular Cooperation Side Event Information – COP27 UNFCCC – 2022
November 10th, 2023: Side event aims to: • Featuring climate actions and sustainable initiatives the agriculture sector is taking in triangular cooperation ; • Convene a forum to increase climate ambition amongst global agricultural leaders, share learnings and motivate collective action; • Provide networking opportunities to attendees
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IAFN – Smallholder Innovation Side Event – UNFCCC COP27 – 2022
Most smallholders struggle to increase their productivity and resilience. They lack access to output and input markets, as well as to advice and finance. Many live in parts of the world where the impacts of climate change are likely to be fiercest, yet they have the least capacity to address this. Smallholder farming in most of the developing world emits few greenhouse gases (GHG), but has a huge need to become more resilient. A more serious challenge is extensification, which is often associated with forest destruction. Both drive the need for more intensive use of existing farmland. If not, developing countries will face larger food imports, faster deforestation, and heavier migration.
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IAFN – Youth in Agri Science Side Event – UNFCCC COP27 – 2022
The private sector is a leader in advancing agricultural enterprise, science and engineering. It employs and funds some of the most exciting and innovative research in the field. The next generation of skilled agri-food leaders are needed to sustain this momentum and make the food system ever more sustainable, especially in face of climate change. A myriad of programs encourage young people the opportunity to train, be mentored and accelerated into leadership in the sector. Explore some of these programs and discuss how to improve them.