CFS Intersessional Events on Urbanization and Rural Transformation 2018/19
In the 2018-19 biennium, CFS is holding two intersessional events on the topic of Urbanization and Rural Transformation.
- November 19, 2018: The Food Security and Nutrition Impacts of Urbanization and Rural Transformation on Lower-Income Groups
At this event, the Private Sector Mechanism coordinated a delegation of over 40 representatives from across the agri-food sector, including 9 youth representatives. Attendees made interventions from the floor, attended special events, and engaged in bilaterals.
- January 29, 2019: Promoting Youth and Women Engagement and Employment in Food Systems Across the Rural-Urban Continuum
The PSM will again coordinate a diverse delegation to the January event. PSM has also been asked to co-host two special sessions on engaging youth and women together with the Civil Society Mechanism. Four representatives from PSM will hold speaking roles at these sessions.
CFS Forum on Urbanization, Rural Transformation, and Implications for Food Security and Nutrition
The CFS held a forum on urbanization and rural transformation on October 20th 2016 as part of the 43rd plenary session of the CFS. The purpose of the forum was to take stock of changing rural-urban dynamics as they relate to food security, to share practical experiences on addressing food security with an integrated rural-urban approach, and to identify potential next steps for the CFS on this topic. An outcome document entitled “addressing food security and nutrition in the context of changing rural urban dynamics: experiences and effective policy approaches” will be presented for approval at the 2017 plenary session of CFS, October 9th–13th.
CFS Technical Workshops on Urbanization and Rural Transformation
In order to guide the work of the CFS on this topic, a series of technical workshops were held, bringing together policymakers and practitioners from government, academia, the private sector, and NGOs. The results of these workshops can be found here.