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UN GA 2017 Events Form

To better coordinate business participation in the 72nd Regular Session of the UN General Assembly (UN GA Week), the UN Global Compact is creating a General Assembly Business Guide which lists events that may be of interest to companies during and around UN GA Week. 

To have your event featured in the UN GA Week 2017 Business Guide, the event must:

  1. Take place between 12-25 September 2017
  2. Be open to business participation

In addition, we encourage your event to:

  1. Showcase the UN Global Goals branding at your event and in communication around your event, including by incorporating the Global Goals colour wheel, or the 17 Global Goals icons (
  2. Incorporate Global Goals content, including by providing speaking opportunities for UN speakers and Global Goals thought leaders, linking programming to the Global Goals and other UN content
  3. Promote the Global Goals through your digital assets, including by placing Global Goals branding on your websites and other online assets (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
  4. Consider other moments throughout the year to highlight, promote and engage partners in pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals

Submit your event here.


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