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Innovation Symposium Potential Outcomes Document

Both the Agroecology Symposium and the BioDiversity Dialogue developed initiatives and next steps for action by FAO, member states, the RBAs and other stakeholders.  With a welcomed and unique interactive process, the forthcoming Innovation Symposium intends to capture and build on the discussion and outputs of the events of the three days themselves. 

  • IAFN – Innovation Symposium Potential Outcomes – 2018

    November 13, 2018 123 KB International Agri-Food Network

    Both the Agroecology Symposium and the BioDiversity Dialogue developed initiatives and next steps for action by FAO, member states, the RBAs and other stakeholders. With a welcomed and unique interactive process, the forthcoming Innovation Symposium intends to capture and build on the discussion and outputs of the events of the three days themselves. Some of the possible outcomes that could be highlighted include: Reinforce FAO’s mandate to support and promote innovation as essential to meet global goals on zero hunger and the larger sustainable development goal agenda. Promote a scientific evidence-based balance of views when promoting innovative solutions. Develop innovation principles focused on science, technology, invention, social and institutional change. Acknowledge that encouraging access to innovation is equally as important as promoting innovation and therefore access to extension services is essential. Request FAO, together with the RBAs, to develop a well-resourced innovation ‘nexus’ and knowledge hub that encourages greater stakeholder collaboration in identifying, sharing of best practices and upscaling innovations. Encourage FAO to specifically include innovation on the agenda of Regional Meetings and showcase regional and country level innovators at those meetings. Use the FAO Regional Offices, and dedicated staff, to promote an enabling environment for innovation at regional and national levels. Foster collaborative action on innovation throughout the production and consumption value chain between public, private, farmer organisations, academia, civil society and UN bodies for the efficient and safe production, distribution and consumption of food and agricultural products. Develop new processes, and use existing fora, to showcase national innovation mechanisms to Member States and other stakeholders around the world. Support a Multistakeholder Partnership Initiative called ‘Scaling up the Adoption of Innovation’ with a clear focus on practical, farmer-based initiatives to support uptake and implementation.



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