Global Forum for Agricultural Research (GFAR) Medium-Term Plan Review
The Global Forum for Agricultural Research is planning its next GFAR Medium Term Plan 2018-2021. In line with GFAR’s role as a multi-stakeholder global forum on agricultural research, the emphasis of the Plan will be on working together through multi-stakeholder collectives to transform the lives of resource-poor farmers and consumers in agricultural and food systems that deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals.
The GFAR Steering Committee identified and developed 13 themes within GFAR’s 4 key areas, built on from the GCARD Roadmap for transforming and strengthening agricultural research and innovation for development. These concepts are available here.

In addition, GFAR’s Partner Spotlights is a way of sharing and celebrating the work of the GFAR network organizations by showcasing stories of impact in agri-food research and innovation. This is an opportunity for Private Sector Mechanism (PSM) members to share their work through the GFAR website, blog, and all GFAR’s social media channels, for one solid week. Check out the full description of the spotlights here. If you would like to join, please email Charles Plummer: