Call for Innovations for the SDGs (2017)

The second annual Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (STI Forum) will be held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, on 15–16 May 2017.
In preparation for the Forum, a Call for Innovations has been launched for the sharing of innovations that provide solutions targeted to SDGs 1, 2, 3, 5, 9 and 14. Innovators from around the world are invited to submit their scientific and technological solutions to the challenges posed by these six SDGs by 24 March 2017 at This year, special emphasis will be placed on learning about innovations where the Internet may have played a significant role in knowledge sharing and technology transfer.
Following the Call for Innovations, a group of eminent experts will select key examples of innovative solutions. Subject to availability of funding, representatives of the selected innovations will be invited to participate in the STI Forum 2017, and exhibit their innovations at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on 15 and 16 May 2017.
The Call for Innovations is hosted by the Inter-agency Task Team on STI for the SDGs (IATT) and the 10-Member Group appointed by the United Nations Secretary-General to support the Technology Facilitation Mechanism, in collaboration with the Global Innovation Exchange. Innovations submitted to the Call will be publicly featured in the Exchange’s searchable database used by press, donors, funders and investors, and will receive access to a comprehensive list of all available innovation funding opportunities across development (more than 200+ million dollars).
You can support this Call for Innovations for the STI Forum 2017 by:
- Submitting your innovative idea so the world, funders, collaborators, and potential customers can see it.
- Encouraging other innovators to submit their innovations.
- If you are a Development Expert, provide your feedback and insights on the innovators registered for this Call.
- If you are implementing programs, look and find innovations that you might want to test.
- Spread the word, help us find and feature the ingenuity from your country and around the world!
- If your organization has innovations it has funded, submit them so that others can scale your innovations.
For more information please see: