Call for examples and good practices on investments for healthy food systems

The Committee on World Food Security invites you to share experiences and examples to help identify lessons learned and good practices on investments promoting healthy food systems, including those implemented through south-south and triangular exchanges.
Taking stock of existing country-level experiences and lessons learnt on how to improve nutrition is a powerful way to stimulate stakeholders to adopt, adapt and scale up proven and effective practices that are both country- and context- specific.
The results of this exercise will inform CFS policy development work on nutrition to align CFS efforts to foster global policy convergence with identified gaps, country needs and realities, and contribute effectively to the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition.
A selection of the submitted experiences and examples will be compiled in a background document for discussion in the CFS 44th Plenary meeting (CFS44) in Rome on 10 October 2017.
In the selection process, we will consider diversity in terms of geography, actors and perspectives, food systems, investments and nutrition issues addressed. We will also consider the lessons learnt in terms of their relevance for policy making, the evidence of how nutrition outcomes changed or are expected to change alongside the extent to which the examples present lessons (positive and negative) that could inform future investments. Examples jointly submitted by stakeholders are encouraged.
To make your contributions as relevant as possible, we would like to invite you to focus on:
- Food systems: describe the food system your example belongs to, the nutrition challenges and inter-linkages and complementarities among the system’s components;
- Nutrition: describe how the example addresses nutrition issues in the context of the food system considered;
- Investments: describe the investments and their objectives, as well as their intended and unintended outcomes, on nutrition in particular;
- Inclusiveness: describe to which extent the investment considered was developed through a multi-stakeholder and participatory approach;
- Learning: describe the lessons (positive and negative) that can be learned from your case and whether these could be replicable in contexts having the same/similar characteristics and how gaps, obstacles and any other adverse conditions were addressed;
- Diversity: describe the geographic scope and the different stakeholders involved in your example;
- South-south or triangular collaboration: If applicable, describe whether the example has benefitted from a south-south or triangular cooperation approach.
The call will be hosted on the FSN Forum where all submissions will be made available. The selected experiences and examples and the resulting background document will then be published on the CFS website. The deadline for submissions is 5 May 2017.
Please use the submission form ( to share your examples and experiences.
You can upload the completed form to the FSN Forum ( or send it via email to
This call is also available in French and Spanish and you are welcome to share your contribution also in these two languages.
For more information on CFS’ engagement in advancing nutrition please see:
The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is the foremost inclusive international and intergovernmental platform for all stakeholders to work together to ensure food security and nutrition for all. The Committee reports to the UN General Assembly and to FAO Conference. With a membership of 135 countries and using a multi-stakeholder, inclusive approach, CFS develops and endorses evidence-based policy recommendations and guidance on a wide range of food security and nutrition topics. CFS holds an annual plenary session every October in FAO, Rome.